South Luangwa National Park

Days 75 - 80 - 21st - 27th August 2019

Peter and I reminisced about how we were meant to come to South Luangwa 25 years ago, but heavy floods during that December prevented us from doing so.  And here we were at last.

We arrived at Wildlife Camp - a little piece of paradise right on the banks of the Luangwa River and just 6 km's from the Park gate.  It is situated in a game management area, so there is almost little need to go into the Park!  The whole setting is stunning and the facilities fantastic.  On the first day here, we decided that we would extend our stay by another three days.

Sunset over the Luangwa River

On the second day we did a self drive into the Park.  No predators were seen, but a fantastically huge herd of buffalo, loads of impala, puku, warthog, giraffe, elephant, kudu and waterbuck.

Because Johan & Joanne would be leaving the next day, we decided to do a night drive together, followed by dinner, courtesy of Johan.  The night drive paid off, we got what we came here for ðŸ˜Š:

A leopard on the hunt

There is an elephant hide adjacent to our campsite, and every afternoon the ellies come to drink.  We are having such a wonderful time relaxing in the shade, watching the humungous crocodiles basking in the sun, the hippo's wallowing in the shallow water, and the impala and puku coming down to drink in the afternoons.  At almost sunset, a small herd of ellies cross the river daily without fail .... this is truly what Africa is all about.  We had three giraffe though the camp last night and the hippo feeding (on what little grass there is), below our tent.  A troop of Yellow Baboon also come through the camp daily, at 5am and again in the late afternoon, many with babies.

A family of baboon sitting watching us in the camp

Tomorrow we will leave with heavy hearts, on route to Lusaka, where we plan to stay at Pioneer Camp before heading to visit ex Zululanders, Rob and Sandy Lendrum who are on a farm near Mazabuko.


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