
Day 4 & 5 – 12 th and 13 th June 2019 The drive through the Chobe to Katimo Mulilo proved uneventful and we passed through the Wanella Border Post quite quickly. The Sesheke Border Post (Zambia) however, was the most disorganised border post we had ever been through and took about 2 hours due to the Road Tax guy being on lunch for an hour. Tip to travellers: don’t arrive at a border post between 13h00 and 14h00! Because they don’t take cards and only Zambian Kwatcha is accepted as cash, our first stop was the ATM. Yay, It had money in it! With Kwatcha in hand, we proceeded through the process: 1. Health Desk, who take your photograph (?) 2. Immigration 3. CIP (ZMW 200) 4. Vehicle Clearance 5. Road Council Tax (ZMW 30) 6. ...