Ruaha National Park

Day 19 & 20 – 27 th & 28 th June 2019 Our first taste of a Tanzanian National Park: We weren’t expecting to see much game with Ruaha being the biggest Park in Tanzania, but were proven wrong! We saw all the usual animals, including Thompson’s gazelle and the Waterbuck without the ring around its bum (we don’t know the name of it) – both which were firsts for us – and a pride of lion who had just finished devouring their morning meal and had given it over to the Lappet-faced Vultures. There was also a large concentration of giraffe, which certainly look different to the giraffe we get back home. Giraffe Thompson's Gazelle The bird life was much more prolific than in Zambia and we got to see 4 newbies -Tanzanian Red-Billed Hornbill, Superb Starling, White Crowned Lapwing and the Bare-faced Go Away bird. Bare-Faced Go-Away-Bird Tanzanian Red-Billed Hornbill Superb Starling ...