Amani Nature Reserve

Day 24 & 25 – 2 nd & 3 rd July 2019 We had been told that the East Usambara Mountain range was magical, and now it was time to see so for ourselves. Our plans had been to stay at Emau Hill, but once we had made the 30 km journey up the mountain, we had decided that we were going no further! From the town at the base of the mountain, the first thirteen km’s were not too bad, but it took us at least two hours to do the last 17 km’s. It was one of the hairiest road trips I have ever taken – ten thousand times worse than Sani Pass from Himeville to Lesotho (for those of you who can relate)! The people at Amani, like every Tanzanian we had come across, were ever so welcoming. As we were the only campers there, they suggested that we camp at the Resthouse area. This was a double bonus as we could use electricity as well as the bathroom of one of the cottages; and all the birding trails start at the Resthouse. We were ready t...